Other Policies

Modern Slavery Statement

We are committed to eliminating acts of modern-day slavery and human trafficking within our business and from within our supply chains.
Our annual turnover is under £36 million and although we are not legally obliged to report on slavery and human trafficking, this statement is made in accordance with section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and is our slavery and human trafficking statement.

Organisational structure, business, and supply chains

We are a manufacturer and supplier of water treatment products to the construction industry, commercial, industrial and residential properties and water treatment industry. We are an independent company based in the UK, with a world-wide customer base and supply chain network. Our business comprises of our head office based at the above address. Our supply chains are based in UK, China, Malaysia and Europe, supplying finished products, materials and ancillaries, additives, filters, packaging materials and office supplies and we source directly from manufacturers.

Policy on slavery and human trafficking

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in any part of our business or in our supply chains. This policy reflects our commitment to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business relationships and to implementing and enforcing effective systems and controls to ensure slavery and human trafficking is not taking place anywhere within our supply chains.

Due diligence

We consider ourselves to be a ‘low risk’ business with regard to slavery and human trafficking. However, we foster a culture that encourages the identification and reporting of any such risks within our business. We recruit all our employees either directly or through recruitment agencies who are members of the Recruitment and Employment Confederation. We do not recruit from outside the UK.

Assessing and managing risk

We have a whistleblowing policy in place and, as part of our efforts to identify and mitigate risks within our supply chain, we are introducing systems to identify, assess and monitor potential risk areas.

Effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking

We have zero tolerance to slavery and human trafficking. To ensure that all those in our supply chains comply with our values we are putting in place a supply chain compliance programme that will require our suppliers to confirm that they have a slavery and human trafficking policy in place and that they require the same from their suppliers.


We are providing appropriate training to ensure that relevant employees understand the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chains.

Quality Statement

VEXO International (UK) Ltd is committed to providing high quality products and outstanding customer service.

The products will be designed and built to meet and where appropriate exceed best practice within the HVAC market. This includes ensuring that we meet and exceed any relevant industry-specific regulations or standards (CE, ASME, UKAS).

VEXO International (UK) Ltd operates a quality management system (QMS) to ensure that we deliver consistent high quality at all times. Our QMS is accredited to ISO 9001:2015 and a copy of the certification is available on request.

Details of our quality management processes and procedures are available on request. The Operations Manager will take responsibility for ensuring effective quality management.

Health, safety and security

VEXO International (UK) Ltd recognises the importance of health, safety and security.

The company’s health and safety policy sets out our commitment and outlines our approach to effective health and safety management. Our processes and procedures are designed not simply to meet legal requirements but to effectively deliver a healthy, safe and secure working environment for our employees and everyone else who might be affected by our work. Our products are designed, manufactured and built to meet relevant safety and security standards.

A copy of our health and safety policy is available on request.


VEXO International (UK) Ltd is a producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) and is therefore obligated under the Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Regulations. We are fully compliant with all responsibilities as a registered member of UK government approved WEEE Compliance Scheme, Comply Direct. Our WEEE producer registration number is WEE/AU6472YC.

We have formally documented policies relating to the WEEE Regulations and we review our processes on a formalised and regular basis to ensure we remain fully compliant.

The UK WEEE Regulations were first introduced in 2007 with the aim of reducing the amount of EEE ending up in landfill. As per the requirements of the Regulations we finance the recovery and recycling of WEEE when it reaches the end of its life and ensure our EEE products are marked accordingly with a crossed out wheeled bin symbol and a date mark. We also provide information on reuse and environmentally sound treatment of the products.

Comply Direct can provide more information about the WEEE Regulations https://www.complydirect.com/services/weee-compliance/weee-explained/ or find out more at www.gov.uk/electrical-and-electronic-equipment-eee-producer-responsibility.

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